2020-21 NBA Preview

Who knows how the NBA season will go this year? It’s tough to predict, without a bubble keeping everyone together. This year, there will be games all across the United States, even as the Coronavirus Pandemic continues to rage. Hopefully a vaccine will be available for the general population soon.

The postseason has changed, allowing a two-game play-in tournament to get more teams playing for the postseason. That means that 20 of the 30 teams in the NBA will be competing for a title.

We don’t know how COVID will impact this season. Some games might be cancelled, others postponed, players might be unavailable for weeks at a time if they test positive for the virus. Injuries will happen. Almost all of the predictions we came up with are based on an injury-free and COVID-free season, because to project those kinds of things would be impossible at best.

This year, we decided to once again shake up how we do analyses. In this case, we had questions and answers. Dustin and I each asked two questions based on our analysis and understanding of each team, and we answered each other’s questions with analysis, predictions and statistics. We think you’d be more interested in that rather than in-depth and hundreds of words of gobbledygook that you don’t care about.

So here you go, the NBA season is officially here!

Western Conference

Northwest Division

Pacific Division

Southwest Division

Eastern Conference

Atlantic Division

Central Division

Southeast Division

Awards and Playoffs Predictions

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